The Government of the Region of Vakinankaratra and the City of Antsirabe expressed in the appointment letter their admiration for Prof. Sir Manuel Freire-Garabal and Dr Luis Suarez as great leaders and true philanthropists.
Especially in the field of diplomacy, their contributions were essential in promoting peace and the environment as well as training and supporting both existing and the next generation of global leaders.
The Region of Vakinankaratra and the City of Antsirabe decided to recognize their multiple contributions to their people and to their society appointing both of them as Honorary Citizens as well as giving to them the Keys of the Region of Vakinankaratra and the City of Antsirabe.
The recognition will concur during the brotherhood ceremony between the Region of Vakinankaratra, the City of Antsirabe and the City of North Miami Beach in the United States of America.
In the ceremony will be also present H.E. Rakotoniaina Vyvato Rakotomaditra (Governor of Vakinankaratra), M. Antony F. DeFillipo (Mayor of the City of North Miami Beach), M. Rasamimanana Honoré Gabriel (Mayor of the City of Antsirabe), H.E. Andrialalanirina Anselme Antonio (Ambassador with President of the Chamber of Commerce Antsirabe) and HRH Prince Dr Rina Telesphore PhD, PdC, DbA, PhD.H.
Warmest congratulations to Prof. Sir Manuel Freire-Garabal and Dr Luis Suarez!
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