Manuel Freire-Garabal y Núñez

Prof. Sir Manuel Freire-Garabal y Núñez,  has been appointed by Pan African Leadership and Entrepreneurship Development Centre (PALEDEC) in recognition of his efforts supporting Education since the field of Higher Education.

The Pan African Leadership and Entrepreneurship Development Centre (PALEDEC) is a community-focused Leadership, social entrepreneurship and capacity development charitable institution founded as a global initiative to make Africa better by moving Africa from consumption of international aid programs to a strong strategic economic and geopolitical partner by promoting trade, investment and socio-economic development in Africa.


They are concerned about putting African citizens on the path to self-sufficiency and economic productivity while fostering community resilience. For the past 5 years of existence, The Pan African Leadership and Entrepreneurship Development Centre has directly impacted over 12,000 people through our unique programs and the continued commitment of individuals, institutions, corporate organizations, mentors, sponsors and partners who share their passion in raising generations of transformation leaders and entrepreneurs across Africa. They have organized and facilitated high profile investment gatherings across major cities in Africa, Asia and Europe.





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