In the city of Medley / Miami, Florida, the first anniversary of CALLE PERU was celebrated. Peruvian authorities met to finalize the twinning agreement with Mayor Roberto Martell of Medley / Miami and agreements were also made with the Suarez Museum of Natural Science & History .

The twinning was formally carried out in the City of Medley. It all started with the master of ceremony Augusto Rodríguez Ramos announcing first to the presidential table which was made up of Mayor Roberto Martell of Medley along with Monica Canales and Ambassador Col. Luis Suárez Hernández, both of whom were the main managers of CALLE PERU .

At the protocol event were authorities from Peru such as Eudomila Maximila Cabanillas Ostos – Mayor of the Provincial Municipality of Ocros / Ancash, Hernán Tomas Sifuentes Barca – Mayor of the District Municipality of San Martín de Porres / Lima, Ramón Hereña Roque – Mayor of the Municipality Provincial of Daniel Alcides Carrion / Pasco, Augusto Jhon Smith Ñontol – Mayor of the District Municipality of Jesús / Cajamarca, Teresa Jesús Aguirre Huaringa – Mayor of the District Municipality of Huarochiri / Lima, Joel Ronal Parimango Alvarez – Mayor of the District Municipality of San Juan Bautista, Maynas / Loreto, Lluni Perea Pinedo – Mayor of the Provincial Municipality of San Martin / San Martin, Gregorio Chambi Cañazaca – Mayor of the District Municipality of San Pedro de Putina Punco, Sandia / Puno, Rubén Cano Altez – Mayor of the District Municipality of La Victoria / Lima, Eliana Elizabeth Toledo Reyes – Deputy Mayor of the District Municipality of Santiago de Surco / Lima, Willian Eloy Montes Malpartida – Senior Prosecutor of the National Control Authority of the Public Ministry, Armando Mujica Aguilar – Administration Manager of the District Municipality of San Sebastián / Cusco, Alexander Jesús Chirinos – Coordinator of the Culture and Sports Management of the District Municipality of

San Martín de Porres, Lima, María Apaza Apaza – Former Mayor of the Umachiri Dstrict, Department of Puno, Doctor Rosario del Pilar Mendoza Peláez – Vice President of the Carabayllo Ladies Committee among others.

There were many personalities of different nationalities supporting such as Cuba, El Salvador, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Guatemala, Argentina, Honduras, Venezuela, Chile, Panama, Mexico, Paraguay, Dominican Republic among others and of course Peru could not be missed as there were many Peruvians who will travel from different parts of the United States and other countries to witness this great anniversary.

The Director of the AKBS Social Community Programs, Amb. Dr. Luis Suárez Hernández, stated that they were two days of total success and that everyone was satisfied with such a motivating event and also said that “There is Strength in Unity.”



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