Ambassador Keith L. Kirkwood is a Diplomat and the Chairman of Gift Global Initiative, a global non-profit charitable organization that provides Humanitarian Aid and Economic Development in Asia, Africa, South, Central and North America. Keith was appointed by California Governor and confirmed by the President of the United States to The Selective Service System. He also serves as the Global Goodwill Ambassador for the United States. His latest appointment as the PSC Ambassador representing The United States by the Pakistan Safety Council should come as no surprise given the scope and nature of work GIFT does in some of the poorest areas of the planet.

He recognizes the need to empower children and young adults who form the future of our planet. His creative out of the box leadership and advocacy for protecting global human rights has earned him the name “California’s Kennedy” in his home state of California where he serves on Los Angeles City Council.

We are honored to receive Amb. Keithwood on Board!



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