Prof. Sir Manuel Freire-Garabal y Núñez has been appointed Distinguished Board Director at Africa Asia Scholars Global Network (AASGON) and Global South Economic Forum (GSEF), two entities with consultative status at United Nations Global Compact.

Appointed by the United Nations, the Africa Asia Scholars Global Network (AASGON) is a signatory to the UN Global Compact and member of the UK Stakeholders for Sustainable Development (UKSSD).

A registered UK not-for-profit multilateral organization, Affiliate Member of the International Association of Universities (IAU), Member Strategic Forum of the European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) and Advisory Council Member/Associate of the Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP), AASGON commits itself to the ‘Fostering of Good Governance, Human Capital Development, Innovation and Academic Entrepreneurship through Strategic Partnerships and people-centered Policies and Programs. Recipient of a number of special awards, so far, in its promotion of Climate Change, AASGON has been honoured with the planting of trees in three States of India, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh and Punjab.

In partnership with its sister organization, the Global South Economic Forum (GSEF),  AASGON is committed to building enabling structures and rebuilding the bricks in our ‘Fractured World’ as pronounced by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Switzerland, in 2018.

Conceived on the historic 10th October 2010 (10.10.10), AASGON is the Founder of SADFA ‘Sino-African Diaspora Forum’, the 1st World Film Music Arts Awards Festival – FIMAAFEST as well as the Global South Strategic Partnership on Artificial Intelligence and Nano Technology (GSS-PAINT), UK – Africa Arab Asia Business Technology and Education Summit  Expo (UKAABTES) Awards and Expo, Asia – Africa Scholarship Summit Global Awards and Expo (AASSGAE), Forum of Emerging Cities of Africa Arab Asia-Pacific (FECAAP), Global South Gross National Happiness Summit for Peace and Sustainable  Development (GSGNHS-4PSD) Awards and Expo and Global South Summit of Micro Small Medium Enterprises (GSSMSME).

AASGON has been mandated to establish the Forum of Africa Arab Asia – Pacific University Presidents’ (FAAAPUP) and the Pride of Africa Arab Asia-Pacific University Leadership (PAAPUL) Global Awards by the following agencies, the United Nations Academic Impact and Outreach Division, the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP), the International Association of Universities (IAU), the Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP), the Association of Arab Universities (AArU) and the Association of African Universities (AAU). FAAAPUP and PAAAPUL Global Awards will among others enhance the analysis of developmental problems and further strengthen good governance, poverty alleviation, peace and sustainable growth in the developing countries of the Global South.

Fully committed to the attainment of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the Africa Union Agenda for 2063, as well as the strengthening of the Commonwealth, AASGON has secured about 100 Scholarships for African Students and will shortly be launching its £120m Scholarship Endowment Fund for future potential African Leaders.

In partnership with its sister organization, the Global South Economic Forum (GSEF),  AASGON is committed to building enabling structures and rebuilding the bricks in our ‘Fractured World’ as pronounced by the World Economic Forum in 2018.

United Nations Global Compact profile:



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