AKBS Chairman, Prof. Sir Manuel Freire-Garabal y Núñez, has been appointed as Board of Directors of the FinTech and Blockchain Association (FAB) an organization based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
They bring together Financial and Corporate leaders along with Blockchain experts from across the globe. The Association is endorsed and supported by EST Global Inc for promoting the financial and technological education around the globe. FAB will improve and enrich the business compliance and relationships as one integrated tech world. All business leaders and educational leaders need to join hands to create this unique experiment.
Read more about the organisation: https://intfab.org/

“EST-FAB takes pleasure in welcoming Prof. Sir Manuel Freire-Garabal to its Board of Directors.
Excellency Prof. Sir Manuel Freire-Garabal y Núñez HOKC, LLB, MBA, Dr. h.c. mult., FRAS, FRSA, FRAI, MRSAI is a lawyer and journalist with an MBA and more than 300 courses and specializations in different areas from IVY league and Elite Business Schools.
He is a professor, collaborator and advisor to many universities across the globe. He has been working for several years in the field of Health development with Dr. Reza Radmand (Research Collaborator from Harvard Medical School).
He holds different knighthoods and high civil honors from Religions and other Governmental institutions”.
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