The Peruvian delegation visited the Miccosukee Indian reservation in South Florida in the company of Mayor Ramon Hereña Roque of the Provincial Municipality Daniel Alcides Carrión / Pasco, Mayor Luis Armando Ludeña Gálvez of the District Municipality of Sondorillo / Piura, Deputy Mayor Eliana Toledo from Surco / Lima and businessmen, among others, who visited the Miccosukee Indian Village for the first time.

The delegation was represented by Dr. Luis Suárez Hernández, Director of the AKBS Social Community Programand, Mónica Canales sponsored by Kenny Cypress and Miccosukee Villages & Airboats. The expedition was made up of a beautiful tour of the Everglades and then they visited the native lands where the Miccosukee Indians lived at that time, as well as the Miccosukee Museum, where they learned about their customs and cultures.

The guests were extremely grateful for a unique experience on the airboat, in a ride that allowed him to learn about the flora and fauna of this important area of ​​the Everglades, the largest wetland in the United States.

Miccosukee Tribe, their history dates back to long before the arrival of Christopher Columbus to America: “The Miccosukee Indians were originally part of the Creek Nation, later migrating to Florida before it became part of the United States. During the Wars Indies of the 1800s, most of the Miccosukee were removed from the west, but some 100, mostly Mikasuki-speaking Creek, never gave up and took refuge in the Everglades.The Tribe numbers over 600 members, direct descendants of those who evaded capture”.

Furthermore, “to survive in this new environment, the Miccosukee adapted to living in small groups in hammock-style camps scattered across the vast river of Everglades grass. They lived like this for about 100 years, resisting attempts to assimilate. Then After the Tamiami Trail was built in 1928, the Tribe began to accept New World concepts.”

“On January 11, 1962, the Secretary of the Interior of the United States approved the Miccosukee Constitution, and the Tribe was officially recognized as the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida. Thus, the existence of the Miccosukee Tribe was legally established as a sovereign nation with dependent nation status of the United States”.



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