International fellowship! Mayor Rubén Cano presented the Keys to the City to Dr. Luis Suárez Hernández, in recognition of his admirable career in the conservation of historical heritage and his philanthropic work. In addition, he was named Goodwill Ambassador for his invaluable support in enhancing and disseminating the historical and cultural heritage of our beloved district. The emotional ceremony took place in the Augusto B. Leguía Hall, located in the Municipal Palace.

Roberto Martell, mayor of Medley / Miami, state of Florida (United States), was also recognized for his outstanding work in promoting Peru in his city, strengthening the ties of brotherhood between both nations and because he could not be present, His award was given to Dr. Luis Suárez Hernández. The event had the notable presence of Victorian councilors and officials, and to close with a flourish, everyone present enjoyed a magnificent artistic show of seafaring. We continue working to position the name of La Victoria in the world!



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