Today in the City of Medley / Miami, Florida the 105th Anniversary of the American Legion was celebrated. Which was recognized with the City Proclamation.

Different community leaders were present, supporting among them was Mayor Roberto Martell, Gary E. Cardenas – Commander, William Perez – US Marine Colonel, Pedro Fiallo – Director of American Legion Relations,
Ambassador Luis Suárez Hernández, Mario Echevarria – Past Governor (PDG) and President of Cuban Lion Club International, Enrique Matallana – President of the Capitan José Quiñones Foundation, Dr Omar Sanchez – Surgeon, Bernardo Albornoz – Businessman, Dina Diaz – Journalist, German Acero – Journalist, Lupe Bruneman Regional Director of South Florida – Advocate Health Advisors among others.

The American Legion was established in Paris, France, on March 15 to 17, 1919, by a thousand commissioned officers and enlisted men, delegates from all the units of the American Expeditionary Forces to an organization caucus meeting, which adopted a tentative constitution and selected the name “American Legion”.

The Legion played the leading role in drafting and passing the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944, commonly known as the “G.I. Bill”. In addition to organizing commemorative events, members assist at Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals and clinics. It is active in issue-oriented U.S. politics. Its primary political activity is lobbying on behalf of veterans and service members, including for benefits such as pensions and the Veterans Health Administration.

Ambassador Luis Suarez said he felt honored to support such a prestigious organization as the American Legion.



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