The province of Huamanga was founded in the 16th century with the name of San Juan de la Frontera and was created by the Political Constitution of 1823. The history of Ayacucho began 22,000 years B.C. approximately, with the presence of the first men found in “Pikimachay” or “Cueva de fleas”, located 18 km from the city.
Currently, Ayacucho is considered one of the most beautiful cities, due to its colonial architecture and its great historical legacy.
The people of the province are primarily indigenous citizens of Quechua descent. Quechua is the language that the majority of the population (50.37%) learned to speak in childhood, 49.31% of the inhabitants began to speak using the Spanish language and 0.11% used Aymara.
Districts of the provinces of Huamanga: Acocro, Acos Vinchos, Andrés Avelino Cáceres Dorregaray, Ayacucho, Carmen Alto, Chiara, Jesús Nazareno, Ocros, Pacaycasa, Quinua, San José de Ticllas, San Juan Bautista, Santiago de Pischa, Socos, Tambillo, Vinchos.
The people in the province are mainly indigenous citizens of Quechua descent. Quechua is the language that the majority of the population (50.37%) learned to speak in childhood, 49.31% of the residents started speaking using the Spanish language and 0.11 % using Aymara (2007 Peru Census).
The Mayor also received recognition from the Suarez Museum of Natural Science & History at the hands of the Executive Directors and Founder for his interest in promoting the development and economic, social and cultural progress of his community.
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