In the Parque de la Amistad in the populous district of Surco in Lima, Peru, on Thursday, May 11, Mother’s Day was successfully celebrated in advance. This event was called MADRE COURAGE in homage to the fighting mothers of that capital community represented by the mothers from the different soup kitchens and the glass of milk program.
This event was attended by Dr. Luis Suárez Hernández, President / Founder of the Miami Ambassadors Lions Club and President / Chief Curator of Suarez Museum of Natural Science & History, who was accompanied by Mrs. Gina Romero, secretary of this global charity; It should be noted that Dr. Suárez also holds the title of Ambassador of Peace, a mission that was highlighted by the Mayor of this commune Carlos Ricardo Bruce Montes de Oca.
Ambassador Suárez, prior to the lunch offered by the Miami Ambassador Lions Club for 500 mothers, basket raffle, delivery of diplomas and pins alluding to the date and the performance of Mr. Yaipen from the young musical group Candela, continued with a thank you to his team of work, especially to Mrs. Mónica Canales, the main promoter of this recognition to the mother, highlighting the district Burgomaster for facilitating a space in the Parque de la Amistad, culminating with an emotional message of faith and hope.
Ambassador Suárez closed with a flourish congratulating all the mothers on MOTHERS DAY.
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