The Malagasy disruptive education in the pan-African development

The world is in constant change, and social movements push the development of new systems that converge in a new order of disruptive currents in multiple areas.

Every little change contributes to the end of a once-dominant era, now fading and on the way to oblivion.

Each small advance contributes to the enrichment and improvement of the humblest individual’s conditions, giving rise to the empowerment of countries that were once exploited for their resources, stripping them of the great pride that by nature belonged to them.

Cases like India are a good example, which has gone from being a colony treated with contempt by a large number of nations, to being an economic power and even a benchmark in technology, science, medicine, and education.

With less social media impact to date, although with great repercussion, the new Pan-African society’s development is going unnoticed. Among all, the miracle of Madagascar stands out, through its Emergent Plan.

Regardless of political ideals, the country Chaired by H.E Andry Nirina Rajoelina is currently developing a disruptive program in economic and social matters, and particularly in education through various tasks that must be assumed by the Government between 2021 and 2023.

The presidential project has set out to meet a series of primary goals in educational matters, such as improving access to education and student retention, improving the quality of education, strengthening the governance of the education system, reducing the deficit of infrastructure and equipment and improve their quality, as well as strengthen teaching skills.

As with New Zealand politics, the distance from the continents allows the islanders to focus on the practical and necessary needs of their own country, acting with greater flexibility in the face of the policies that continental agencies usually impose.

Thus, adapting to our time and the practical needs demanded by an increasingly highly qualified world, the Malagasy plan seeks to address objectives such as multiplying new infrastructures, rehabilitating and expanding existing educational facilities in rural and urban areas.

With practices such as reducing parental charges to improve student retention through school funds, the distribution of school kits, or the establishment of school canteens in highly food insecure areas, it is possible to get the empowerment of different generations at the same time.

It is also intended to implement and promote the use of information and communication technologies at all levels applied to education; provide schools with modern teaching materials such as textbooks, tablets for exam classes, laboratories, and computer rooms.

The primary objective is based on standardizing the teaching and learning conditions, reinforcing the training system, and implementing preschool education and developing tools to strengthen civic education.

Small advances such as those mentioned above contribute to the population’s true empowerment since education is the basis of any economic system.

Success and fortune are born from the hunger of the individual. Then, we can see how the world is changing through small gestures that contribute to empires’ origin.

Because all hunger must be satisfied, without exceeding the pleasures of gluttony, aspects such as education from the earliest childhood help model the man.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Whatever the branch of knowledge, it is always profitable. Success is born of hunger, but hunger cannot be alleviated if one does not know how to eat.



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