The comprehensive health campaign organized by DIRIS Lima Sur in the district of Villa María del Triunfo today, December 17, was a resounding success.
We appreciate the support of Dr. Luis Suarez, president and founder of Miami Ambassadors Lions Club, who with his leadership motivates us to actively participate in social aid actions. On this occasion we were present with donations of toys and cakes for hundreds of children.
The collaboration and teamwork of the volunteers and the DIRIS made it possible to offer a wide range of services, from hair cutting to specialized medical care, demonstrating the effort and dedication of everyone to provide comprehensive assistance to the participants.
The musical show and the delivery of toys and cakes to the children present were a special touch that undoubtedly left a smile on each of their faces. This event was a show of commitment and solidarity with the communities most in need, and is an example of how collaboration and teamwork can make a big difference in people’s lives.
Congratulations to everyone involved in this important and significant event, especially to the members of the Miami Ambassador Lions Club who generously sent their donation:
Mónica Canales (Director), Mirtha Facundo, Ana María Klauer, Rita Rojas, Gladys Trebejo, Armando Cornejo, Karla San -Miguel Canales, Dr. Victor Cohaila, Marilita Tenorio, Kackeline Llerena, Yolanda Clark, Jheniffer Pomatana and Alonso Pinzás.
The President / Founder Dr. Luis Suárez Hernández thanked everyone who supported this beautiful humanitarian event.
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