Prof. Dr. Milan Krajnc was named “Grand Prior of Monaco” – Chevalier des Belges. The Order […]
At the mayor’s office of the city of Medley, a meeting was held with great personalities […]
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Since the announcement of the catastrophe of the devastating earthquake that struck Morocco and caused great […]
The education system in Europe in the 21st century has undergone significant changes to adapt to […]
We express our sincere gratitude for the invitation from the team of ‘Good Morning, Uzbekistan🇺🇿.’Dr. Sindhu […]
Our Board Advisor Dr. Sindhu Bhaskar has been participating on the International Food Security Conference in […]
Advisory Board Member Dr. Sindhu Bhaskar was recently interviewed by some media at the International Conference […]
Mayor Ramon Hereña Roque of the Provincial Municipality Daniel Alcides Carrión formally awards the “DANIEL ALCIDES […]